Business in LFA: how to attract buyers?

The development of trade contributes to the constant growth of the number of small shops and rather large supermarkets. In parallel with actively under construction new buildings, the LFA (kiosks and shopping pavilions) have retained their popularity for more than a decade almost everywhere.
Thus, the competition between entrepreneurs leasing LFAs becomes understandable. A situation familiar to many, when one shopping pavilion attracts crowds of customers, and in another, with absolutely identical products both in quality and in assortment, less than 10 people come in a day. However, there are safe and time-tested ways to attract buyers.
Place information about promotions and discounts on the windows. It is difficult to think of something that will attract the attention of customers more than a chance to profitably buy a product or service. That is why small shops like “Everything from 3 hryvnias” are so popular in Kharkov. When renting a shopping pavilion, initially consider this nuance, look for a room with large windows or the ability to attach billboards to the facade or side walls. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to indicate what the discount is, or additional conditions – it is enough just to lure buyers, and by going in and seeing the entire assortment, they will be able to decide on their own.
If we are not talking about a shopping pavilion, but about a small kiosk, then the promotional product can be placed directly in the window. Make it more visible with a small plinth or brightly colored decoration. Keep track of the regular updates of products on such a showcase and do not make the common mistake with months of unchanged products with sun-burnt packaging.
It is advisable to change advertisements with promotions at least every 2 or 3 months so that they do not become boring and constantly attract customers. There are a lot of options, so you can not repeat yourself for a long time.
In addition, if there is enough territory around the pavilion that you are renting, you can arrange it in accordance with the direction of your business. For example: a summer children’s cafe can be equipped in the form of a fortress, fencing it with a fence with battlements and towers, as in a real fortress.
You can also draw attention to the MAF by placing a bright mock-up of the main product on the roof (a slice of pizza for a pizzeria, lipstick for a cosmetics store, a grocery basket for a regular grocery store, etc.). If you have such an opportunity, do not neglect all sorts of pleasant trifles in interior design, such as a bell on the door, original paintings or additional window decorations.