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Stop pavilion is one of the best solutions for some types of business
Stop pavilions are one of the varieties of small architectural forms (SAF), which have been transformed from half-closed public transport stops. If earlier they were just a small canopy with benches for waiting, then over time they turned into a multi-profile structure, which also includes kiosks or large shopping pavilions. (more…)

Confectionery shop in LFA: what do you need to open?
Almost always, when selecting commercial real estate for rent, we first of all pay attention to the location. The ideal choice is a crowded street with constant pedestrian traffic. However, things are not so simple with confectionery: this is not a classic grocery store that is always in demand. (more…)

What premises can be called street retail?
Looking for a street retail for rent, we clearly understand that this should be a commercial space on the ground floor of a building (both residential and non-residential) with a separate entrance and large windows. However, as it turned out, not all properties that fit these characteristics can be called street retail. (more…)

Trust management of commercial real estate: from finance to advertising
It does not matter whether you are the owner of a multi-square commercial premises (warehouse, store, office), or you are the owner of a small MAF (shopping pavilion). If there is not enough time to resolve issues in this area of activity, you can always contact real estate trust management companies. (more…)

What determines the cost of renting an office?
Often, for owners of companies that do not have their own office space, the financial costs of renting commercial real estate can take up a significant share of the entire budget. It is the knowledge of all the factors that affect the size of the rental rate that allows you to plan expenses correctly without overpaying. (more…)

We select a warehouse for rent: classification criteria
Among the huge variety of premises for rent, it is sometimes quite difficult to decide on the final option, since important details are often forgotten, and real estate is selected only on the basis of the convenience of location and area. However, there are many other criteria (more…)

Features of lighting trade pavilions
Often, the right lighting in stores becomes one of the key criteria that positively affects the growth of sales. Studying the basics of merchandising, do not forget that it is important not only to correctly display the goods, but also the light falling on them (more…)