What determines the cost of renting an office?

Often, for owners of companies that do not have their own office space, the financial costs of renting commercial real estate can take up a significant share of the entire budget. It is the knowledge of all the factors that affect the size of the rental rate that allows you to plan expenses correctly without overpaying.
Of course, office rent in large cities will be more expensive than in small towns. At the same time, the number and variety of offers is also much larger, so you have the opportunity to choose the most optimal from dozens of options.
What affects the cost of renting office space?
Standard specifications. Area, condition of repair, serviceability of communications, additional services (parking, cleaning and security of the building) and other important points, which in most cases are already studied during the inspection of the property or in a conversation with the owner.
Speaking about the area, it is worth noting that premises with a large area are more profitable (the price per square meter is lower). Think about it, it is quite possible that, at first glance, the extra space can be put to great use. However, if at the moment you do not need a spacious office, then there is no point in overpaying for absolutely useless square meters.
Comfort level.
1. A – most often offices in new business centers with the most convenient infrastructure and modern renovation (expensive finishing work both inside the building and outside).
2. B – premises after repair or reconstruction. They differ from class A in less expensive trim and equipment.
3. C – there are all the necessary amenities, the difference from the previous type may be a less comfortable location.
4. D – converted premises in older buildings or even residential buildings. The state of repair and communications may be different, depending on what the cost is formed.
Location is one of the key factors. It will be cheaper to rent an office in residential or industrial areas, which is not appropriate in all cases.
Slightly higher price for commercial real estate at the intersection of active transport routes, also distinguished by saturated pedestrian traffic (metro station named after Akademik Barabashov, Marshal Zhukov and others).
The next in importance are premises in buildings near urban highways (for example, Moskovsky Prospekt or Akademika Pavlova Street), they will cost even more.
Of course, the most expensive will be renting an office in the historical (Rosa Luxembourg Square and Constitution Square) or business center of Kharkov (territories near the Istorychnyi Musei, Universytet, Prospekt Gagarina, Naukova metro stations).