Advantages of renting a LAF for opening a pizzeria

For a long time, pizza has become one of the favorite delicacies of Ukrainians, and at almost every step you can find both small bakeries and large pizzeria restaurants. Recent calculations show that more than a hundred slices of pizza are eaten every minute in Ukraine, and a huge number of combinations of ingredients allows to please the majority of consumers.
In large cities (including Kharkiv) the average check in large establishments ranges from 300 to 800 UAH. If we talk about small bakeries and pizza take-out eateries located in the LAF (kiosks and trade pavilions from 10 m²), it can be from 50 to 200 UAH. In addition, this field of activity almost always has potential for growth, since the preparation of these products is not expensive, which means it is profitable not only to open a bakery-pizzeria, but also to expand the business.
For the above reasons, it is not at all surprising that such a business idea is popular even among aspiring entrepreneurs. The cost of pizza products is low, and the cooking process takes a little time, which allows you to get a stable high income. All you need is to rent a small shopping pavilion with the ability to install all the necessary equipment. For a full-fledged pizzeria to work, even 10 m² is quite enough.
Modern technologies for the production of small architectural forms (LAF) have provided maximum convenience for owners of various business areas, which is why they are popular for rent. In kiosks and shopping pavilions, you can place a sufficient number of products, carry out the necessary communications (electricity, water supply, ventilation) and provide high-quality climate control. Thus, renting a kiosk from 10 m² is perfect for organizing a pizzeria with takeaway food, and for a small diner with the opportunity to dine right there, you can rent a more spacious shopping pavilion with an area of 20 m² or more.
When choosing premises, be sure to calculate in advance whether it will be convenient to place all the necessary equipment (ovens, grills, refrigerators, etc.) on the leased area, and how comfortable the work of your employees will be in such an environment. A pizzeria in LAF is a profitable business idea and a great way to save money on renting premises, while making a good profit.