The features of trade pavilions and kiosks construction

In the field of trade and small business, SAF (kiosks and small trade pavilions) are still relevant. They have many advantages: mobility, ease of installation and ergonomics. Therefore, most often it is the SAF that is rented for trade in small volumes, and not full-fledged brick buildings.
To make sure that the SAF is reliable, let’s take a closer look at exactly how they are mounted:
1. To begin with, a suitable site is being prepared with flat ground and, preferably, carried out communications, for maximum convenience in erecting a kiosk. In some cases, even a small foundation is being laid.
2. Further, the installation itself takes place: a metal frame is installed, and the roof, walls and panels are attached to it for insulating the building.
3. After that, the windows and door frames are installed in the room.
4. When the stall is actually ready, finishing works are carried out (siding, painting, attaching signs, internal repairs).
5. At the final stage, communications are laid in the retail space.
To install the SAF, the following elements are required: steel pipes, galvanized sheets, foam sheets and chipboard – the rest is at the discretion of the owners.
Components for kiosk installation are manufactured according to a standard modular method approved by specialists. Thus, the stall itself, like a constructor, can be folded in place without any particular difficulties. In addition, most of the SAFs can be moved from place to place at the discretion of the owners. For ease of use and quite comfortable conditions for the sale of goods and services, kiosks are still massively rented by small business owners.